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Fazeela Siddiqui

Most Read, The Playground

A Brooklyn Mom’s Guide to Clog Boots

Last week, the NYT published The New Mom Uniform of Park Slope. After reading, and then losing a few brain cells, I knew that I had to hop onto the clogwagon*. Not out of defensiveness for getting clumped into the Park Slope crowd (I am a Brooklyn mom who lives in Bed-Stuy). But instead, to assist my fellow Brooklyn moms in choosing which clog boot would work best for you! There is a whole world out there beyond No. 6.

I have been eyeing these clog boots on the streets for the past decade. They catch my eye every time I see them. And I don’t care what that NYT writer wrote, I think their aesthetic is completely stylish and funky. Plus they work with everything.

I literally spent the last 2 years researching these boots before purchasing. Why 2 years? Because these are the most expensive shoes that I have ever purchased and I needed to save money make sure that I was making an informed decision. The price of these boots is equivalent to one or more weekly daycare payments. As a Brooklyn mom raising a kid on two non-profit salaries, this had to be thought out and well worth it.

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Most Read, Personal and Political

Why Angela Davis’ Support Of Palestine Threatens White Supremacists

You may have heard that the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute just rescinded the Fred Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award from Angela Davis. Queen Davis was shocked and issued this response. The question that lingers – Why is Angela Davis’ support for Palestinian human rights so threatening that it would force the BCRI to rescind this honor?

The answer, in my opinion, lies in Angela Davis’ ability to make the important connections between the Military and Prison Industrial Complexes in the US with similar oppressive forces in places like Israel. Specifically, she has cogently illustrated, in her recent book, how the Black Lives Matter movement and Palestinian human rights are intrinsically linked. THIS is the nucleus of the perceived threat.

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Photo Source: Caique Silva
Most Read, Parts of a Whole

Read This If You Hold Your Pee (To Prevent Irreversible Damage)

You are at the movie theatre, watching an amazing film (think Get Out), there are 30 minutes left and you have to pee from your oversized drink. Do you 1) Get up and go to the bathroom? or 2) Hold your pee? I’m often faced with this quandary and I used to choose the second option, until a year ago . . .

I was with my family at a restaurant, holding my pee, everyone wanted me to go to the bathroom but I was acting stubborn and then Naz glared at me with the winning-I’llconvinceher-look and said,  “Don’t hold in your pee because you can lose your nerves, never regrow them and cause irreversible damage . . .” Yup, that convinced me to go… And I’ve been confused about kegels and strengthening my pelvic floor vs. ruining it ever since. Especially since my pelvic floor PT taught me to hold my kegels to prevent postpartum incontinence.

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 Photo Source: Tiffany Smith Instagram
Most Read, Parts of a Whole

Loving your FUPA (aka Mommy Tummy, Diastasis Recti)

After giving birth, for the first time, I, like many other moms, got a FUPA. And I don’t do SPANX (anymore). A while back, I admittedly got seduced by their advertising, so I went ahead and ordered some. They made me bloated, contorted my stomach rolls, constantly hiked up my thighs and my body looked strange. I thought, “Oh, I just ordered the wrong type”. So I ordered 3 more versions of essentially the same thing until I put my proverbial foot down. I’m no longer suckin’ in sh*&. Instead, I run around my apartment singing “I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly…”

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Most Read, Parts of a Whole

Do You Pee in Your Pants? Let’s Talk.

First off, one of my goals in writing this blog is to annihilate the 3 nasties. Shame. Stigma. Silence. Got it? Ok… Let’s move on.

I am 100% positive that a lot of grown women pee in their pants (especially after childbirth). I know this because I have talked to many of them (my sample size is around 50). Also, my older sister, Dr. Nazema Siddiqui (aka “Naz”), a urogynecologist, specializes in pelvic floor disorders and incontinence and she has a lot of patients.

So today, I want to discuss how you can stop peeing in your pants through pelvic floor physical therapy. I’m not claiming that it will allow you to lift a 10 pound weight with your vagina like this woman, but it can help with incontinence (and pain).

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Four women of color pursing their lips with M.A.C. Heroine on them. Black woman, Indian woman, Japanese woman, chinese woman sitting together on a couch.
The Playground

Heroine: A Power Lipstick


What’s the first thing that comes to mind? If you are like me, it’s NOT a character in a romance novel. M.A.C. was genius in using this double entendre because their Heroine matte lip color is addictive and has a cult following. Specifically, among people of color.

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3-D pink clitoris that is 8 inches and anatomically correct.
Most Read, Parts of a Whole

Your Clitoris is 8 Inches

Your clitoris is 8 inches. It is *not* the size of a pea.

I’m admittedly embarrassed to have learned this when I was 36.

I view myself as knowledgeable about my health and sexuality and I *thought* I knew a lot about my vag. For example, my older sister and I overlapped at the same University (I was an undergraduate while she was in medical school studying to become an OB/GYN). I’ll never forget how she paraded into my apartment during my junior year and demanded that my roommates and I individually stand over a mirror because we *needed* to learn about and inspect our vaginas. We took turns going into the bathroom, while my sister sat at the threshold doling out instructions about how to stand, what to lift, what to look for… (FTR, I felt like I was going to faint).

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