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Most Read, The Playground

A Brooklyn Mom’s Guide to Clog Boots

Last week, the NYT published The New Mom Uniform of Park Slope. After reading, and then losing a few brain cells, I knew that I had to hop onto the clogwagon*. Not out of defensiveness for getting clumped into the Park Slope crowd (I am a Brooklyn mom who lives in Bed-Stuy). But instead, to assist my fellow Brooklyn moms in choosing which clog boot would work best for you! There is a whole world out there beyond No. 6.

I have been eyeing these clog boots on the streets for the past decade. They catch my eye every time I see them. And I don’t care what that NYT writer wrote, I think their aesthetic is completely stylish and funky. Plus they work with everything.

I literally spent the last 2 years researching these boots before purchasing. Why 2 years? Because these are the most expensive shoes that I have ever purchased and I needed to save money make sure that I was making an informed decision. The price of these boots is equivalent to one or more weekly daycare payments. As a Brooklyn mom raising a kid on two non-profit salaries, this had to be thought out and well worth it.

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